All pedigree Irish Moiled cattle are genomic tested with the hair sample that is submitted for registration

Genomics is breeding using DNA (Genotype) to help better predict how well an animal will perform in the future.  Genomics identifies genes (good and bad) in 18 different traits such as docility, milking ability, carcass weight, calving ability etc and each trait is given a score, which in turn collectively gives an overall score to the animal. The scoring system used is the Eurostar Index. A 5-star rated animal within breed, means that the animal is in the top 20% for that breed.

The Eurostar index is a profit focused index and is divided into the Terminal and Replacement indexes, with traits grouped together according to their importance to achieving the overall goal. The actual Euro-Stars just make the Euro Index values visually easy to understand. The Euro-Stars show where the animal’s genetic index ranks (top 20% – 5 star, bottom 20% – 1 star etc).

The Terminal Index estimates how profitable an animal’s progeny will be with regards to live weight, carcass conformation and being finished for slaughter. It also takes into consideration the calving ease of the bull.

The Replacement Index estimates how suitable an animal’s daughters will be for calving ability, milk, fertility, and ultimately being low maintenance suckler cows.