Brexit…what does it mean for me as an Irish Moiled Breeder? Brexit is the topic of most conversations just now and none of us have the crystal ball to predict what is ahead, but we can under guidance from official bodies, be prepared.

If the UK leaves the EU without a deal, the IMCS (along with others) MAY have to consider becoming ‘a third country’ listed with the European Commission if they wish to continue zootechnical trade in the EU.  

Brexit…who can we ask? The European Commission keeps a list of breeding bodies in non-EU countries that meet certain requirements for their breeding programmes and society and studbook rules.

The Department of Agriculture, Environment and Rural Affairs (DAERA) in combination with the Department of Environment, Food & Rural Affairs (Defra) and the devolved administrations of Scotland & Wales have started a process for UK breed societies and studbooks to be listed as a third country on exit from the EU.  

Brexit…what does the IMCS need to do? For the past year and more, the Irish Moiled Cattle Society have been working closely with the DAERA and have submitted information required by Defra to the EU Commission to start this application for third country listing should it be required. This application is currently ongoing, and we are pleased to say we have met all criteria and provided all documents as necessary.

Brexit…what about me…as a RoI Irish Moiled Breeder? Unless the EU lists UK breed societies and studbooks, societies’ will not be able to export animals to the EU on zootechnical terms following exit. By complying with these regulations, the IMCS will be listed as ‘a third country’ and be able to continue trading with EU and UK.

The IMCS will have the ability to produce Zootechnical Certificates which means animals can be traded with other EU breeding bodies on Zootech terms. These certificates can only be issued by an officially recognised EU breeding body as IMCS is now, or a listed third country breeding body. Therefore the IMCS will be able to issue Zootechnical certificates to members that wish to sell animals both into and out of EU.

Brexit…what now? The IMCS will continue to work closely with DAERA as they continue to gather information that is required by Defra or the EU Commission.

At this moment no one has an indication of when the EU will have a decision on the applications, but we are in a confident position as the IMCS have met all the targets, criteria and deadlines.

For more information regarding Brexit, guidance and exporting animals please see

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